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​Please read this document prior to submitting an application for access.
This Policy dated 28 February 2022 and relevant By-Laws of the Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive Club Inc replaces the Policy dated 4 Feb 2020.
The Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive Club Inc. has a Conditional Permit from Riverina Local Land Services (LLS) to use the Shanty Reserve, Alfred Town. With the exception of its use as a travelling stock reserve, the Club is responsible for managing access and use of the reserve, facility maintenance and the payment of the Permit fees. This Policy aligns with the LLS permit conditions.
Apart from organised Club activities, the Club can approve the use of the reserve for:
a. Club member private use and driving practice.
b. Approved driver training and outdoor education programs by external organisations/agencies. The Club cannot grant approval for commercial use.
The Quarry Training Area (QTA) Sub-committee oversees and manages the QTA as set out in Roles and Responsibilities of the QTA Sub-committee including: manage access; oversee maintenance, remedial and development works as needed; and as necessary, conduct ongoing monitoring of the site before, during, and after activities.
Conditions of Use of the Quarry Training Area
All Users
All users must comply with this policy along with any additional conditions of use as notified to applicants.
Applications for Use
All enquiries and bookings for use of the QTA by Club members and external organisations are to be made to the QTA Secretary at PO Box 5842, Wagga Wagga, or email:
Prior to applying for use, interested users should determine the availability of the QTA by checking the calendar on the Club’s web site (
Approval to use the QTA is subject to availability and weather conditions. In the event of wet weather the quarry may need to be closed at very short notice for safety reasons and to prevent damage.
The applicant acknowledges and accepts that:
Safety is a prime consideration of all users at all times.
Due to the geographical nature of the reserve, the type of activities carried out, ever-changing conditions, and potential hazards, use of the site entails a degree of risk. While the Club takes all reasonable care to minimise risks for those using the facility, all approved external organisations/agencies, and/or club members must be vigilant and take responsibility for risk assessment of their activities, and ongoing management of risks.
The Club cannot be held responsible for any injury to people or damage to vehicles or equipment during official Club events, member activities, or use by external organisations/agencies.
Individuals/drivers are responsible for themselves, their passengers, vehicles, and equipment.
Bystanders must take responsibility for their own safety.
Any incidents, accidents, or damage occurring when an applicant is at the QTA must be documented and reported to the QTA Sub-committee when the keys are returned.
Site access
The gate key must be signed out and signed back in within 24 hrs of completion of the activity unless approval has been granted for longer access.
​Keys are restricted and must not be copied.
​All users must complete the relevant Application Form.
Users must ensure only authorised participants enter the reserve for the duration of the approved activity.
To avoid unauthorised use and prevent livestock escaping:
a) All gates must be kept closed and secured at all times.
b) Gates must be locked after departure and kept locked when the QTA is not being used.
c) During an activity gates may be left unlocked but CLOSED and SECURED.
6. All vehicles using the QTA must have current motor vehicle registration and comprehensive insurance.
Only activities specified on the Application Form may be carried out.
All Club signage must be complied with.
Drivers must hold a current driver’s licence.
The approved users of the quarry are responsible for, and must closely supervise and monitor drivers who are holders of a Learners’ Permit or Provisional Licence (Red & Green).
Driving must only be undertaken on existing tracks and care must be taken to avoid track damage. The applicant is responsible for the cost of repairing damage.
All wildlife must be protected (there are endangered species living in the reserve).
Any livestock in the reserve must not be interfered with.
All rubbish is to be removed from the site after use.
All users must ensure they have suitable toilet facilities available for participants.
Approval to use the camp area for overnight camping may be granted upon application.
Camp fires are allowed in designated fire places only, and are subject to current fire alert conditions. Users are required to provide their own firewood. Firewood must not be collected and/or removed from the reserve. However, leftover firewood at the fireplaces may be used.
The transportable composting toilet on site is available for use by those undertaking activities at the QTA.
The toilet must be left clean at the conclusion of QTA activities. Any maintenance issues are to be reported to the QTA Committee.
The toilet door is to be locked at the conclusion of the QTA activity. The gate key operates the toilet lock.
The master light switch is to be turned off before locking the door.
Because it is a composting toilet, only human waste is to be deposited in it. Note it has limited capacity.
Private use by Club members (Additional Conditions)
Club members who wish to use the QTA for private driving practice should apply for access when completing the Membership Form. Other uses may be approved on application.
​The Club Committee will determine whether independent access is granted, or if access is approved if the member is accompanied by an experienced member. Approval to use the QTA will be stated on the Club member’s Membership Card.
​Private use is restricted to times when the QTA is not in use for Club activities or by external organisations. Check the on-line Club Calendar.
Users are to inform the QTA Sub-committee of the intended use: email:
​Approved members must present their endorsed Membership Card when signing out the gate key from All Things Off Road (ATOR) during business hours.
​Access is at the member’s own risk. Users are to drive to their ability and must comply with the Club’s Activity Rules and Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, this QTA Policy, and any additional conditions set down by the Club.
Users must complete a Club Activity Sign-In Form to record all participants and to document a risk assessment and any accidents, incidents or issues. The completed form is to be returned to ATOR when signing the key back in.
​Club members may have accompanying non-member guests. However, the number of non-member vehicles must not exceed the number of Club member vehicles present. If the group size exceeds these criteria, then an application for use as an external organisation is required.
​The Club reserves the right to allocate an experienced club member to accompany new/inexperienced members at the Quarry for the purpose of mentoring and supervision.
​Club members may apply to use the Club’s limited equipment/resources (e.g. shade shelter, toilet etc.). The member would be responsible for collecting (and signing out), erecting, cleaning and returning resources/equipment. Should any Club equipment be damaged, the user is required to replace and/or repair that resource/equipment.
Use by External Organisations/Agencies (additional conditions)
External organisations/agencies, through affiliation with the Club, may apply to the QTA sub-committee to use the QTA. Enquiries can made to the QTA sub-committee at The following additional conditions will apply to external users:
Applications for use must be completed on the “External Organisation/Agency Application To Use Quarry Training Area (QTA)” form and lodged with the Club by post or email at least one month prior to the proposed use of the QTA. This will allow the QTA Sub-committee to meet and consider the application. The applicant will be notified as soon as practical of the outcome of their application.
External organisations/agencies are required to undertake a Risk Assessment and document a formal Risk Management Plan for their proposed activities.
Applications will only be considered when the form is fully completed and accompanied by:
a) A copy of the organisation’s current Public Liability Insurance Policy. Should an organisation’s policy expire during the year, a new Public Liability
Certificate must be provided on the next request to access the QTA.
b) A Risk Management Plan for the proposed activites.
4. External organisations/agencies will be approved to use the QTA for the time requested. A new application is required for each usage.
5. External organisations/agencies must submit a “Request for QTA Key Access” form for each occasion they wish to use the QTA.
6. Access is for 24 hours unless prior arrangements have been made with the Club. Keys are to be picked up and returned within 24 hours of completion of
the activity or as arranged with the QTA Sub-committee. Applicants will be notified of where the key can be collected.
7. All persons accessing the QTA must be directly associated with and/or invited by the organisation/agency that has approved access.
External organisations/agencies are required to make a contribution to assist in covering site costs. From January 1, 2022, the standard fee will be $150 per booking. This fee may vary depending on the types and number of vehicles, number of uses, type of use etc proposed.
​An invoice will be issued to the organisation/agency once access approval is granted.
Equipment and resources
External organisations/agencies are required to provide their own resources and equipment including shade and toilet facilities etc. However, users may apply to use the Club’s limited resources for a nominal fee. Unless otherwise arranged, users of Club resources would be responsible for collecting, erecting, cleaning and returning the resources/equipment to the Club. Should any Club equipment be damaged, the user is required to replace and/or repair that resource/equipment.
Approval to use club resources/equipment will be dependent on the type and duration of activities planned (e.g. number of participants, overnight camping, full day etc.).
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